Recovery power: folk remedies, exercise

Many of the men in their lives is a problem of power. Sometimes this trouble the cause of the disease. In this case, remember to go to the doctor. But most often, these problems are not the result of disease. The recovery of potency in these situations, the procedure is simple.

recovery of potency in men

Possible causes

Weaken male potency affect:

  1. Numerous external factors: environment, environmental conditions and stress.
  2. Not the last role in this process Smoking and alcohol.
  3. Problems with potency may be due to irregular sexual relationships and lack of exercise.
  4. Unhealthy diet, which is a growth of fat mass. But obesity is also one of the causes of impotence.

Recovery of potency in men should be done under the supervision of an expert who identified the cause of the disease and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

A healthy lifestyle

Sounds corny. But a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important parts of men's health.

  1. Bad habits (alcohol, Smoking, drugs) affect the condition of the vessels in the body. And if problems in the circulatory system quite difficult to restore power. Sometimes in such situations can help only surgical intervention. Such decision problems are a huge stress for men, so that this is not worth it.
  2. Another bad habit is fast food, pizza, dumplings. These Treats will develop obesity, which also affects erection. Of course, to completely abandon dear to the heart and stomach of food is not necessary, but a balanced diet is necessary. Remember to include in the diet vegetables, vegetables, fruits, food, seafood, not to eat pizza, and nuts.
  3. It is useful to take vitamins. Usually the right amount of vitamins the body with food is not getting. Therefore, pharmacies can buy drugs, which include vitamins a, B, C, D, and E. They provide the recovery power, and has a positive effect on health.
  4. Today, almost all lead a sedentary life. Therefore, it is necessary to give the body a workout. These can be class in the gym under the guidance of the coach. But you can start small – easy morning exercises, walking, forget the elevators. And you should start today, right now.

A sensible daily routine

The key to the proper functioning of the organism is the idea of organization of time.

Restoring male potency doctors recommend listening to the following tips:

  1. The rest of the necessary people active.
  2. The great importance of proper sleep. Lack of sleep leads to exhaustion of the nervous system, which also affects power.
  3. Sleep should last at least 8 hours. Go to bed before midnight.
  4. If after work, before going to bed, the walk in the fresh air, and the rest is better and for the prevention of impotence happen.

With the weakening of the power to give your body more rest, work less, and lead a regular sex life.

Gymnastics men's

the recovery of potency in men bad habits

There are special exercises to restore the power. They help develop muscles and promote blood flow to the genitals. Do these exercises is easy, and their effect is immediately noticeable. Power restored without stimulant medications.

Here is a simple set of exercises that can be done unobtrusively anywhere – in the car, at home, in the office:

  1. Take a breath. When this muscles of the anus and perineum. Keep the air for 2-5 seconds. Exhale slowly, while relaxing the muscles. Perform the exercise about 10 times. Run intervals – 3 times a day.
  2. 20 seconds to stretch and relax the anus and the perineum.
  3. The seating position a bit forward bend, stretch and relax the abdominal muscles.

Proper nutrition

Recovery power home based not only on rational daily routine and gymnastics. It is very important to properly balance your diet. Because the right diet can improve your entire body and positively affects the "man power". So, it is important to include food?

Experts say:

  1. Potassium and magnesium – nutrients for men's health. Therefore, you should eat foods rich in these trace elements. Most of them are parsley, cilantro, raw pumpkin seeds. If you mix nuts or seeds and honey for a delicious and healthy sweet dish.
  2. In addition, the potassium and magnesium in the male body needs protein the production of testosterone. Meat, fish, milk and milk products, eggs must be present in the male diet.
  3. Don't forget the seafood, which contain a variety of beneficial vitamins and minerals.
  4. Vegetables should always be on the table. Most useful men's green, onion, asparagus, garlic, carrot, radish.
  5. Dessert – figs, dried fruit, honey, chocolate.

All the above mentioned positive effect on male viability. However, there are some limitations.

A strong half of mankind should remember the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to limit the consumption of carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, pasta, sweet drinks, white bread) and processed foods.
  2. Coffee and excessive alcohol consumption negatively affect potency.
recovery of potency in men food


Contrast shower – the first way to restore power and health promotion.

Bath with Bay leaves has beneficial effects on the male body.

But the best way to restore reproductive capacity is the bath. In the bath your body of toxins, improve blood circulation. Take a bath is necessary, but not more than two times a week, because high temperatures affect the functioning of the heart. No need to have happened: "One treat, another pause".

Folk remedy - onion with honey

Ancient recipes tested for centuries, so it's worth to use them. In addition, there are remedies made from herbs, which are sometimes difficult to obtain, and the usual products. For example, onions with honey.

Recipe tools:

  1. Mixing onion seeds with honey (just the seeds).
  2. Take 2 times a day a teaspoon.
  3. Seeds and honey must be the same number.

This tool provides recovery of potency, cure prostatitis. After receiving the compounds are also intensively produced in the sperm.

Garlic tincture

Continue to consider how to ensure the recovery of potency of folk remedies, stop this.

Tincture recipe and rules of admission:

  1. Grind 1 kg of garlic. Pour into a glass jar. Pour boiled water.
  2. Store in a dark place for a month. Periodically stir.
  3. Months after the tincture is ready.
  4. Take 1 times a day a teaspoon in a glass of milk.
  5. Duration of reception – before the end of the infusion.
  6. After a course of treatment break.
  7. After one year, you can repeat the course.

When using this tincture to improve the capacity and condition of the vessels. The tool also normalizes blood pressure.


In pharmacies you can buy special drugs to restore potency. They increase blood flow and sensitivity. But these drugs only help for a while. Complete recovery, you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the deterioration of an erection, to carry out comprehensive treatment, and help recovery of the body.

In addition, remember that each drug has its own characteristics indications and contraindications. Therefore, before using medicines, be sure to consult with your doctor.


There are many ways to restore power. If a little change your life – eat right, move more, to respect the day, limit alcohol and stop Smoking, then flows back. Increase the duration of life, and problems with potency disappears.